ISAVE That Podcast

GFR to Vascular Access Sequelae and Everything in Between

Association for Vascular Access Season 4 Episode 7

Dr. Michael Serle DMSc, MS, PA-C is a global medical training and education specialist for Medtronic as well as a practicing clinician that specializes in vascular access and renal disease. He joins Judy Thompson, AVA’s Director of Clinical Education, to discuss all things renal including GFR in Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease, vessel health and preservation, and device selection choices and sequelae. Later in the show Dr. Serle discusses his involvement with VASA regarding patient education. 

A huge thanks to Medtronic for sponsoring this episode of the ISAVE That Podcast. Check out the latest episode on any of your favorite podcast platforms. For the latest discussion on vascular access, please like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn! Enjoy the show!

0:00 Intro

0:45 A word from Medtronic

1:03 GFR to vascular access sequelae and everything in between

19:58 A word from Medtronic

21:13 Device selection in chronic kidney disease patients

26:40 AV fistula vascular access

36:54 Outro

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