ISAVE That Podcast
The ISAVE That Podcast is broadcast by the Association for Vascular Access, which has been at the forefront of protecting and saving lives through best practices and patient advocacy since 1985. AVA advances research, provides professional and public education to shape practice and enhance patient outcomes and partners with the device manufacturing community to bring about evidence-based innovations in vascular access. The podcast serves as one of AVA's platforms for discussing research, emerging trends, patient advocacy efforts, clinical controversies and vascular access innovators.
ISAVE That Podcast
Difficult IV Access Patients
Gary Wakeford the CEO of SonoStik and Dr. Greg Schears MD a Pediatric Intensivist and Anesthesiologist join Judy Thompson and Blake Hotchkiss to talk about the challenges of Difficult IV Access (DIVA) patients. In this episode of the ISAVE That Podcast series we explore the challenging conditions that arise when we assess our patients and troubleshoot challenges in access. We’ll explore SonoStik’s solution to the challenging vascular access situation. As clinicians continue to experience more and more DIVA patients in their practice, we have to be mindful of vessel health and preservation as we approach these scenarios. We’ll explore concepts of ideal catheter length, catheter lie in vessel, catheter to vein ratio and techniques for improving success across different patient populations including pediatrics.
The Association for Vascular Access would like to give a special thanks to SonoStik for sponsoring this episode of the ISAVE That Podcast series!
0:00 Welcome and introductions
3:50 DIVA patients and the challenges we face
11:40 A message from our sponsor SonoStik
12:10 Innovative device for improving success in DIVA situations
18:10 A message from our sponsor SonoStik
19:10 How innovation influences our practice
22:30 Catheter length, catheter lie in vessel, catheter to vein ratio, and techniques for improving success
30:30 Outro